For the top mesh, I'm going to create a set of particles from -0.3 -> 0.0 below the surface that are completely opaque. This set will only exist where the actual cloud is opaque. The next set of particles will exist only above the surface, with ramped transparency as they get farther away (just like before).
For the lower mesh, I'm going to move the mesh downwards a bit, so that the particles don't exist in the same area. Then, I'm going to only use particles that are below the surface. The opaque particles will exist from -1.0 -> -0.7, with ramped transparent particles above.
By using this method, I'll be able to have opaque-ness where its needed, and still be able to play with the falloff/transparency to create a wispy cloud appearance.
Some tests below:
Top Mesh- opaque particles are underneath to the right. |
Checking opacity. |
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