Monday, February 11, 2013

M51 Star Tests

Since the C code is significantly faster, I decided to see how long it would take to get larger sets using the brute force PDF culling method.  Here are the results.

Test A:
Initial-        5,223,849           
Culled-       2,114,928            40.4%      44s
PDF-            114,800               5.9%

radius: 0.01, alpha = 0.5
radius: 0.1, alpha = 0.5

Test B:
Initial-        17,492,056        
Culled-       7,138,257            40.8%      2m7s
PDF-            420,711               5.89%

radius: 0.075, alpha = 0.5
radius: 0.075, alpha = 0.5

Test C:
Initial-        41,299,033        
Culled-       16,919,906          41.0%       4m45s
PDF-            996,585               5.89%

radius = 0.05, alpha = 0.5
radius = 0.05, alpha = 0.5
radius = 0.06, alpha = 0.5
radius = 0.075, alpha = original

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