Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Line of Sight Alpha

In order to calculate the ramps and falloffs of the alpha outside of maya, I created a script to perform the necessary calculations.  It calculates the alpha using the functions I developed before, but then scales that value based upon a line of sight estimation.

I tested the code using a simple grid of 10x10x10 subdivisions (11x11x11 corners).  I modulated the alpha over the x axis, and then ran the initial values through the alpha calculating code I wrote.  The desired result was a linear gradient from full white to completely transparent.  I brought the particles into maya, and that seemed to be the result that I got.

The next step is to try this on the top mesh.  I have already run it through once, but my data appears wrong for the top mesh, so I'm going to recull.  I'm also going to use the original alpha channel and see if I get the desired results.

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